I absolutely love this time of year. As I write, I am relishing a cozy rainy day. But it also brings about the holiday stress. And stress is bad business for skin. I’ve been upping my dose of moisture to help with the problem with my beloved Vital Vitamin Day Cream SPF 15. Beyond that, Simple Advisory Board psychiatrist Dr. Josie Howard has some awesome info and tips on how stress can affect skin and ways to stay healthy.
Dr. Howard looks at the connection between stress and skin in three categories. First, biologically “stress promotes the release of pro-inflammatory stress hormones… and neuropeptides” This can result in weaker skin barrier and stalled healing. Second, busy holidays and festivities affect our skin care routines. Anxiety can lead to “overcleaning, picking, and plucking” or we often neglect our skin if we are tired or distracted. Lastly, we can neglect our emotional needs. Worrying about the tree, presents, dinner, etc… can wreak havoc on taking care of oneself.
So, make sure to pay attention to your skin’s needs to ensure a clear, radiant complexion. Dr. Howard advises upping the moisture game because “when we undergo stress, our skin’s moisture barrier can be compromised so applying a moisturizer in the morning, especially one with an SPF like the Simple Protecting Light Moisturizer with SPF 15, can both prevent and repair damage.” A couple more tips for managing holiday craziness from Dr. Howard:
- I recommend starting with the basics in terms of self-care – this includes maintaining a regular sleep schedule that provides adequate rest, exercise and physical activity, a whole foods plant based diet, and social support.
- I recommend a mindfulness practice. This may be in the form of breathing, meditation, yoga, or even spending more time in natural surroundings. There are lots of resources for finding breathing exercises, guided visualization, progressive relation, and yoga classes.
- Finally, if there is any question that this may need more serious attention, seek an expert evaluation either through your primary care provider or a mental health professional.
And to get you on the right track, a little bonus, holiday shoppers! Here is a coupon for $2.00 off any Simple cleanser or moisturizer.
This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Influencer in the Simple® Skincare Program. Visit www.facebook.com/SimpleSkincare to share your story on sensitive skin.
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