Margarite Cosmetics Zinc Cream


I probably haven’t been this excited or enthusiastic about a product in a long time.  And bonus that you can find it for under $10.  My facialist recommended using this as spot treatment on my occasional cystic acne on my chin.  But it can also be used to treat redness or irritation. It contains zinc and sulfur and has the consistency of a pasty cream.  I know it doesn’t sound that appealing but this stuff is magical!  I also used this on redness on my nose and a scrape on my knee.  Healing was accelerated and my blemish has improved dramatically.  The tint also made my complexion look even, albeit a little matte where I used it for spot treatment.  Don’t worry about the smell – it is very subtle.  This will have a permanent place in my arsenal for great skin.

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